The festival of Lang Da Communal House is organized at Lang Da hamlet in Ba Che district’s Thanh Lam commune within two days from February 13, or the 9th day of the first lunar month every year.

Lang Da Communal House worships the village’s God, the founder who reclaimed wild land and set up the village. In addition, this communal house was an important place where a meeting aiming to inform the policies of Viet Minh, organization that led the struggle for Vietnamese independence from French rule, and the government’s guidelines against the French colony was held on August 22, 1946. Particularly, the Hai Chi district’s Committee for Resistance and Administration (or the People’s Committee of Ba Che district now) was also officially founded there.

The festival included a range of traditional rituals such as erecting Tet pole, worshing the village’s God, taking part in the procession of the ancestral tablet of the village’s God, incensing, digging holes to set seed and taking down the Tet pole. After these rituals, there were some interesting competitions such as Cooc-mo cake wrapping, rice cooking, volleyball and a number of folk games.


Chung nhan Tin Nhiem Mang